Written 2010 and
rewritten 10/29/2015 uneditedHoward Yasgar
In November of 1963, I was in Bridgeport
Connecticut standing in the living room of my friends Lou and Gladys Gladstein.
This was just after my wedding that had taken place on twenty second of
November. I had gotten married on the same evening John F Kennedy was killed.
That should have been an omen.
Lou had been my
best man at the wedding and Gladys was our witness.
At the time, Lou
was running the auto wrecking company and used car lot in Stamford Connecticut.
It was the same yard that I used to lease a few months earlier.
How all of that
had happened, was kind of unusual, while
I was going to college I worked part time for Lenny Wisniewsky of Milford Auto
Wrecking Company in Milford Connecticut, and when I graduated, I had leased the
Stamford yard from Lenny, who was my former boss.
Of course, at
the time I had no way of knowing that my former boss Lenny was a con man and
had no right to lease me the Stamford yard. Anyway he did lease it to me. I
found out after I took over the yard that half the city of Stamford was
stealing from it, so when the real owner appeared I was pretty disgusted so I
closed the operation down. After I left the yard was leased to Lou Gladstein,
and Lou and I eventually became friends.
After I closed the business in Stamford, I
was just driving around Connecticut and New York buying and selling any type of
government or factory surplus that I could find. I was having a good time
finding deals and meeting all kinds of interesting people.
Every Wednesday I would drive from Connecticut
to Canal Street in Manhattan, New York. Canal Street at the time was a place
with lots of stores that sold all kinds of surplus items. Every day they would
push little carts full of oddball surplus parts onto the sidewalk in front of
the stores. Many of their customers were engineers that would walk down Canal
Street at lunch time looking for just that type of odd stuff.
I had made friends with an old timer that had
a store on Canal Street, his name was Earnest and his little store was called Asco
Metals and Alloys Co. How I met Earnest was when I bought out a lot of surplus
wall clocks in Connecticut, Earnest had a blind brother at home, and the clocks
I had were perfect for him as Earnests brother could feel the numbers with his
hands. I gave Earnest several of the clocks and we became good friends.
One day, while
I headed to New York from my home in Westville Connecticut, just out of
I got of the Connecticut turnpike at the Stamford West
Street exit. I wanted to see who was leasing my old used car business there on West
Main Street, and that’s how I first met Lou Gladstein. Once I met him we became
wonderful friends and worked together for several years.
The day that I
first met Lou, he was operating the Stamford yard as a used car lot, using a
small building on West Main Street as his office, it had once been my own used
car office.
Lou I found was
always an interesting guy to deal with, his main source of income was selling the
used cars, but he would get involved with anything that he thought would make a
buck. So on the day I went into his office I noticed that there was a string
hanging out of the pay telephone on the wall. When I asked Lou what the string
was for, he said that he had acquired a key to the phone and whenever you made
a long distance call, you pulled the string all the money came back, so I tried
it and it worked perfectly. That evening Lou took me to a small sandwich shop
that he had invested in. He introduced me and it meant I ate free anytime I was
in Stamford. Lou said the deal was good until the sandwich shop went out of
As time went on, any time Lou had some good
deal cooking, he would always offer me a piece of the action. I can't say that
I ever made a lot of money with him but I sure had lots of fun and learned a
lot. So after I got married, it appeared
that both Lou and Gladys were concerned about my future, and that’s why when I
was in their living room in Bridgeport, Gladys had suggested that I take my new
wife to Miami Florida, she wanted me to help Lou find out what was going on
with a business he owned there. It appears Lou had put up the money to open up
an Auto Wrecking yard called ABC Auto Wrecking located on NW 46 Street near 37
Avenue. He had put a friend in charge but he suspected the guy was stealing all
the money.
So Gladys said that
my going to Florida would accomplish several things, I could find out what was
going on with Lou’s business, and I could see my mom who had leased a small
hotel called the Norman’s, located on Collins Avenue on Miami Beach. Gladys
said I could tell my new wife it was like a Florida honeymoon, and Lou said he
would lend me a good running 1959 Plymouth to make the trip, so how could I
refuse them. So in December of 1963, my new wife and I drove down to Florida. Besides
from an unpleasant episode with a motel in Georgia the trip went well, and we
ended up at my mom’s hotel on Collins Ave. It was a cute hotel with about
twenty eight rooms that caught the overflow from the big hotels across the
street, it also caught a lot of Hippies with nowhere to stay. Underneath the
hotel on Collins Avenue was an auction gallery, so the auction dealers also
stayed at the hotel. Mom said some were pretty weird people and slept with bags
of diamonds under their pillows.
One day, I was
waiting on the street for my wife, and as she came down the stairs a squad car
motioned for her to come over. I went to her rescue, but I had to prove I was
her husband, seems that
Norman’s hotel had quite a reputation on Collins Ave.
My mom had put
us up in one of her best rooms and after a few weeks we started to feel guilty
as mom wouldn’t take any money from us, so my wife checked the newspapers for a
place to rent that was closer to Lou’s business in North West Miami.
She located a
trailer park on North West 79 Street in Miami, they had rental trailers for
only twenty dollars a week. We had never lived in a trailer before so it was
going to be a real adventure for us.
We moved in, and
found all the people to be friendly, most were either going to court for
something or just out of jail. They directed me to a used TV store and for
fifty dollars I bought a used TV that still had holes in it from a motels pay
for TV box.
Finally I had to
go to Lou’s Auto Wrecking yard to find out what was going on.
I drove up and
parked in front, it was an impressive place with a large four bay garage and
perhaps a half acre of junk cars piled up behind it. Painted across the front
in giant letters it said ABC AUTO WRECKING. I walked into the office to
introduce myself, and that was the moment I recognized the manager Lou had put
there. His name was Dave and I remembered him from my old days working at
Milford Auto Wrecking in Connecticut. He had sold used cars there and didn’t
have a pristine reputation.
The moment I
walked in and introduced myself, Dave knew why I was there, but I must have
caught him off guard as he acted like he welcomed me.
I told Dave that
as I was coming to Florida anyway, Lou had suggested that I come to work at the
wrecking yard and help Dave run it. Dave did a good job of making out that he
was happy to see me.
The next morning
Dave started explain the operation of the business. He said the building had
four bays but he rented one to a window installer for four hundred dollars a
month. The other three bays were used to fix cars. He took in repair work using
parts from the junk cars in the back. Dave had one mechanic, a short fat black
fellow who showed me how, when he tuned up a car, he held on to the spark plug
wire and let the spark jump from his tongue to his teeth. It was quite a scary
The business
was pretty interesting, customers would come in to buy used parts and we would
offer to install them, and most people wanted it done. One day we needed some
parts to complete a job and I went to the parts store to buy them. That’s when
I had my first rude wakening, ABC Auto had no credit. They said Dave didn’t
ever pay any bills, so I paid for it and then I paid the past bills. I started
to find out this was the case all over Miami, and soon I started running out of
my own money paying the bills.
One evening we
had supper at Dave’s house and his wife lamented that the mail service in Miami
was terrible as she received all kinds of dunning calls for money that Dave
told her he sent in the mail.
I was seeing a
pattern of theft, and assumed Dave was pocketing everything. So I questioned
Dave about it, but he was being cagy, and he said he wanted me to meet the
landlord of the property we were leasing. We drove to the home of a lovely
elderly lady named Mrs. Cunio. It appears that Mrs. Cunio owned considerable property
in the area of the junk yard. My stomach dropped when Dave introduced me as the
new investor in the business and said that I would be paying all the past rent
which was thousands of dollars.
I think at that
point Dave knew the jig was up. He knew that I knew he was stealing everything
and I would report it to Lou. Dave was right, the following Monday he didn’t
show up, so that evening I called Lou to report my findings. Lou got on the red
eye flight to Miami and I picked him up at the airport at about three thirty in
the morning. We drove to the wrecking yard, and I showed Lou where the safe
Using the junk
yard torch and a pry bar, I was surprised but Lou had the safe open in half an
It made me think he had cracked safes before. Inside were the ledger book showing daily
income but very few deposits. I told Lou the extent of the unpaid rent, and it
appeared Dave also took the rent money from the tenant renting the fourth bay.
It was sad, because we really didn’t know the entire scale of the theft and it
appeared the only solution was for Lou to abandon the business, and he did. Leaving
me unemployed in Florida.
You can now imagine selling your car at high cash with proper respect for your emotions. Old Car can be helpful at the time money crisis at the end of the month.
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