Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Johnny Boy and the Bananas Story

                                     The Johnny Boy and the Bananas Story
                                     A true story about importing bananas                                 
                                     Written 1/2012 Re-written 04/03/2016                                            
                                                        Howard Yasgar
     This is a 100% true story about my good friend Lou “Red” Gladstein.
     He was known as “Red” to all his friends, and most of his enemies.
     I met Red in 1961,  when I was 22 years old, and he was about 40.
     When I first met Red, I found it difficult to understand exactly how he operated, and how he made a living.
     He was sort of what you would call an entrepreneur. The kind of guy that never passed up a good deal, even if it was slightly illegal.
     How I met Red was interesting.
     When I was going to college in New Haven, Connecticut, I worked part time at a large auto wrecking yard called Milford Auto Wrecking.
     While I was working there, I knew one of the  owners, he was a hustler named Lenny.
     By my meeting Lenny I eventually met another fellow named Abe, and it was through Abe that I met Lou “Red” Gladstein.
     I think you could best describe all of them as a part of a big network of really interesting guys, all of whom at one time or another became my friends.
     Lenny was the first in the line of characters that I met, he ran the Milford Auto Wrecking yard and was heavily involved in buying and selling cars, not always legal.
     As his employee, I  unwittingly hauled questionable cars from place to place for him.
     After a while I realized he was probably involved in several illegal things that I didn’t know anything about.
     Lenny had illegally leased me a junk yard in Stamford Connecticut, and that’s how I met
Abe, who was the real lease holder of the property.
     It was through Abe that I eventually met Red Gladstein.
     Red was basically a used car dealer, but he was also an entrepreneur that never turned down a good deal.
     In 1962, I had set up a automotive inner tube rebuilding operation in Ansonia Connecticut.
     One of our bigger customers was the LeVine Tire Company in New Haven Connecticut.
     They were just opening up a new division in Tampa Florida and they were filling railroad cars with tires going to Tampa.
     To fill up empty space in the railroad cars they bought my rebuilt inner tubes.
     The companies owner suggested I go with his son to see the new Tampa operation and perhaps I would want to join up with them.
     The owner of LeVine Tire Company, said that his son, who had already bought a home on Davis Island, in Tampa, would be driving to Tampa the following week, and would I like to go along with him.
     I was curious as I had never been to Tampa before, so I agreed, to go there.
     The following week I went Tampa with Mr. LeVine’s son.          
     Once in Tampa they put me up in a nice local hotel, and they gave me a Volkswagon bus to drive around with.
     Their operation there was very big, they bought lots of military surplus aircraft tires and they specialized in repairing monster earthmover equipment tires.
     Unfortunately the moment I got there, I could feel the tension within his company as everyone thought I was being sent there to replace them.
     So, after spending several days in Tampa, I felt it was not for me and I decided to leave.
     I felt a little guilty considering all the expense that LeVine Tire Company had spent on me, I wanted some way to repay them.
     At the time I was in Tampa, they were just building the Dale Mabry Highway.
     I was driving along marveling at all the new construction being done there in Tampa.
     That was when I spotted  a giant earthmover tire that someone had stood up and was using as a sign  pointing to a dump.
     The giant tire was about seven feet tall and had a big white arrow painted on it.
     After haggling with an old man sitting in a chair at the dump, I bought the tire for $25.00.
     Then I found that it was too big and it wouldn’t fit in the Volkswagen van.
     I studied the situation and with the old mans help and lots of pieces of rope and wire from the dump, I hung the tire on the side of the van.
     I had ropes going over the roof and wrapped around the vans window posts on the opposite side.
     Now in those days Tampa was kind of a hick town and no one stopped me driving back to LeVine’s tire company with a monster tire hanging off the side of the Volkswagen van.
     At the LeVine Tire Company, I told them that I was giving them the tire in payment for their putting me up for four days but I was leaving.
     That tire must have been pretty valuable judging from what I heard them say, as the entire staff  came out of the office just to look at it.
     I returned to my hotel, and watched TV,  and then I had a good night’s sleep.
     The next morning I called my friend Red Gladstein in Stamford Connecticut.
     I knew Red probably would have something for me to do, while I was in Tampa.
     Well, I was right, Red asked me where I was, and I told him I was sitting in a hotel room in Tampa Florida.
     Red said, “It just happens I have some business to attend to in Tampa and I’m going to drive down from Connecticut, I will pick you up at your hotel tomorrow.
     Red said, “It’s now ten in the morning here in Stamford,  and I can leave for Tampa in about an hour, so I will see you at exactly twelve noon tomorrow at your hotel.
     I knew it was about 1500 miles to drive from Stamford Connecticut to Tampa, and there was no way Red could ever do this trip in twenty four hours, and I told him so.
     But Red assured me he would be there to pick me up the next day at twelve noon sharp.
     I mentally calculated that Lou would have to drive about 80 miles an hour nonstop to get to Tampa that fast.
     So when I hung up, I was thinking that he would be calling me in the morning from some jail in Georgia, where he would probably have been arrested for speeding.
     The next morning I woke up, dressed and walked outside the hotel into bright Tampa sunshine.
     I looked across the street and saw a Royal Castle restaurant.
     At the restaurant  I studied the menu, as a blond waitress with a deep southern drawl came over and asked if I was ready to order.
     I ordered two eggs with bacon and toast. “You all, want grits with that she asked.” Hey, I was from New Haven Connecticut, and when she said that, I thought grits might be some kind of sand paper, but I didn't want to appear to be a dumb ass, so I said sure, I wanted grits.
    When it was about twelve noon, I knew that Red couldn't possibly be there yet, so I waited in my room, reading the local Tampa newspaper.
    By one in the afternoon, when Lou failed to call my room, my curiosity got the best of me, and I called the front desk to ask if a Mr. Gladstein had left a message for me.
    Yes they said, there was a message from a Mr. Lou Gladstein who had checked in the hotel about an hour ago.
    They said, Mr. Gladstein was resting in his room and I should wake him up at four that afternoon.
    To this day I don't know how he did it, but he made the trip from Stamford Connecticut to Tampa Florida in exactly twenty four hours.
    I looked outside and saw by the “Junk Dealer” Connecticut license plates, he was driving a 1958 Ford station wagon.
    So, at exactly four PM, I went to Red’s room and woke him up.
    Red told me that we needed to go to the Port of Tampa, as there was something he needed to see that afternoon.
    He said was looking for a refrigerated cargo ship named the “Johnny Boy” that was supposed to have just arrived from Argentina.
    I didn't want to appear rude so I didn't ask Red as to why he wanted to see the ship, I knew he would tell me sooner or later.
    When we arrived at the port of Tampa, just as Red had said, there was a big refrigerated freighter unloading, it was named the “Johnny Boy”.
    He walked over to a pallet to see what the cargo was.
    I could see that it said in Spanish “Carne Seco de Argentina”, or dried beef from Argentina.
    Lou looked up at the freighters bow and said, “Those dirty bastards, they did changed the name of my ship.”
    I could see Red was very agitated.
    He stormed back to the car with both his hands in his pockets.
    After he settled down he said, “I have to get an attorney in Florida before we head back to Connecticut.”
    I told Red that the only attorney I had met in Florida was a guy my mother used in Miami.
    So Red said, “Let’s head for Miami.”
    It was on the drive to Miami that Red told me the following story.
    He said, that about three years earlier he had invested several hundred thousand dollars with a partner in New York, and together they had purchased a refrigerated freighter that was registered in Liberia, the name escapes me.
    It apparently was the same freighter that was now docked in Tampa, and was being called the Johnny Boy.
    Red said that his New York partner was involved with a big shipping company there.
    Red said that he felt they treated him as though  he was an outsider in the deal.
    But the refrigerated freighter, was suited exactly for what Red wanted to do.
    His intentions were to buy green bananas in Panama and ship them to Miami.
    But right from the start Red said that he didn’t trust his partner in New York. He said he had a bad feeling that they would swindle him out of his share of the ownership of the ship.
    What scared him he said, was that the group in New York were professionals with lots of connections in the shipping industry, and Red had none.
    Without red knowing anything about it, they had already hired a crew, from Liberia and a Captain from Guyana, Red said, he was insulted that they never mentioned anything to him.
    So Red’s feelings were hurt, and  here the ship was ready to sail.
    Red said that it was his job to fly to Panama, where he was to negotiate with a banana broker to buy a shipload of green bananas direct from the plantations.
    They were plantation hat formerly sold their bananas to United Fruit Co.
    Red already had pre-arranged an order to deliver the green bananas to a wholesaler in Miami.
    The whole deal had been put together in New York, with Red guaranteeing payment for the bananas.
    He was to make a bank transfer to the Panamanian broker.
    Red was to collect payment from the wholesalers when the ship unloaded in Miami.
    It was a sweet deal that would make Red and his New York partner a lot of money, because they were now not only just a shipper, they were the owner of the cargo as well.
    Red told me that was the reason they needed a refrigerated ship, because all bananas are picked green in Panama and must be kept refrigerated in the ships hold so they don’t ripen and spoil on the voyage to Miami.
    Red said he had wired the payment to the banana broker in Panama and the ship was then loaded with green bananas.
    But in a conversation with the banana broker in Panama, the broker told Lou that he recognized the ship’s Captain and he told Lou to watch out for him.
    It appeared that the ships Captain was a well known alcoholic from Guyana. Red’s New York partners had hired very cheap because no one wanted to use him.
    So right from the beginning Red didn’t like their choice of captain. He felt he was being set up for failure by his New York partners.
    The trip from Panama to Miami was a short one and should have been trouble free.
    However, when the ship arrived in Miami, his partner’s called him from New York. They called to tell him the captain had already radioed them, and he said that the entire banana shipment was ripe and it was starting to rot in the ships hold.
    Red knew immediately that this meant that the refrigeration on the ship had stopped working during the voyage and the heat in the hold  had ruined the cargo.
    The next problem he was faced with was what to do with a ship full of rotten bananas, so Red took the next flight to Miami to address the problem.
    He already knew it was going to be a financial disaster for him.
    There was the cost of the bananas, there was ships docking costs, and there was the loading costs, the cost of the fuel, the cost of the captain and crew, an now there was the additional cost of the dockage in Miami, and what about all the rotting bananas.
    Now Red being a resourceful guy, he quickly made arrangements for the ship to leave Miami again, he wanted to do it before any  agencies came to inspect the rotting mess and fine him.
    He also didn't want to have to deal with the Miami Longshoreman's Union regarding the unloading of a stinking rotting cargo.
    Red also knew that after unloading the ship in Miami, he would have to dispose of tons of rotten bananas. He would have to pay a garbage man a lot of money to haul the banana’s off to a dump.
    So as soon as the ship was out to sea, Red had the crew open the hatches and with the shipboard cranes they lifted out all the ripe bananas and illegally dumped them all in the ocean.
    What Red was doing, was illegal, and everyone knew it.
    Another problem was that the captain and crew didn't want to do it.
    Not because it was illegal, but because they didn't want to work like stevedores, it was not their job.
    But now Red was really pissed off, and he became belligerent, screaming and yelling, and the crew finally gave in, unloaded the ship and dumped the bananas into the ocean.
    Then Red started questioning the Captain and the ships Engineer.
    He wanted to know who let the ships refrigeration shut off.
    This was no joke, but Lou got little satisfaction from the Captain, and he got less from the chief engineer, who pretended he didn’t speak English.
    Red couldn't get a straight answer from anyone, and no one would tell him why the generator that ran the refrigeration had not been restarted when it shut off.
    Red was livid, he was yelling and screaming at them.
    After all this, Red  and the engineer finally got the generator started up again, and the ships refrigeration was working.
    After that, Red made arrangements for the captain to take the ship back to Panama, and he flew to New York to discuss the situation with his partners.
    This rotting banana problem had cost them all a fortune, and Red was now running out of money.
    To make matters worse, his partners in New York blamed him for all the losses, and they wanted him out of the picture.
    They said Red was a hot head, and he had now alienated the Captain and crew.
    Red said  he suspected that the Captain and crew had gotten drunk, and when the generator that ran the refrigeration went off, they were all so drunk that they didn't even notice it.
    He felt that the only solution was for him to fly back to Panama himself, buy another load of bananas, but this time he would stay aboard the ship to make sure the refrigeration remained running until the ship made it to the port in Miami.
    However by this time Red's relationship with the Captain and all the crew members was bad.
    Red’s cabin was right next to the Captain’s cabin, so he could hear the Captain’s muffled voice through the steel cabin wall.
    He knew that the Captain, the engineer and the whole crew hated him, but Lou’s attitude was that he owned the ship and they were all working for him, and it was his money that was at stake, not theirs.
    That night, Lou tried to get some sleep but he could hear the drinking party going on in the Captain’s cabin.
    The partying was loud enough for Lou to hear that everyone was very drunk, and they were all talking.
    He could hear that they were all talking in English, but he couldn't make out exactly what they were saying.
    By one in the morning, Red decided to check on the refrigeration, as he hadn't slept at all.
    The party in the next cabin was still going full blast, and  He thought he heard his name mentioned.
    He took a drinking glass, and put it to the steel wall to listen to what they were saying about him.
    He heard the Captain saying, “We will put that red headed mother fucker in the ocean tonight, I will kill him myself.”
    Red didn't know what to do, he was scared.
    He knew he couldn't fight the whole crew, also he had no weapon to defend himself, so he quietly left his cabin, and went to the engine room.
    He was hoping to perhaps find a pistol or other weapon in the ship’s engineer’s quarters.
    That’s when Lou found the refrigeration generator had shut down again, and the engineer whose responsibility it was to keep it running was in the captain’s cabin, drinking.
    Red tried to restart the refrigeration generator himself, but he couldn't do it.
    He picked up a three foot piece of pipe, and carried it back to his cabin.
    Once in the cabin he could hear the Captain and the crew were still drinking, but even using the drinking glass against the wall, he couldn't understand very clearly anything they were saying.
    Red finally made a decision, and he walked into the Captain’s cabin and struck the captain hard on the head with the piece of pipe.
    The captain fell on the floor, and the rest of the crew ran from the room.
    Red grabbed the engineer and pushed him with the pipe to the engine room to restart the generator.
    One of the crew members went to the radio room and had called the U.S. Coast Guard for assistance.
    By morning they were three or four miles from the Port of Miami when the Coast Guard came aboard and arrested Red.
    At that point, we were nearing Miami and Red stopped talking. He didn't seem to want to talk about his arrest, but I gathered that his partner’s in New York had found a way to get Lou's share of the ship.
    Lou said that the ship was eventually auctioned off on the Miami court house steps and his partner had bought it for near nothing as he was the only bidder.
    Red was left out, and lost everything.
    He said the ship’s Captain survived, but Red never told me what happened regarding the charges that were brought against him.
    I know Red hired the attorney in Miami, and I know that he tried several legal maneuvers to get his share of the ship back.
    I don’t think Red recovered  any of his loses.
    Red was convinced that his former partners had made sure he lost his share of the ship, and he heard the ships name had been changed to “Johnny Boy”, that’s why Lou went to the Port of Tampa, to confirm for himself that it was the same ship.
    I never heard him discuss anything to do with the Johnny Boy again, and I never asked him. But the part he had told me, I think was quite a story.


The Haiti Coast Guard Story

                                                  The Haiti Coast Guard Story
                 This is a true story of how I became involved with the Haitian Coast Guard
                                    Written 4/2013 and rewritten 05/03/2016 unedited
                                                           Howard Yasgar

     This true story took place in April, 1970, in Port Au Prince Haiti, and for a long time I couldn’t figure out what had happened, or even why it had happened. It wasn’t until many years later that I was able to find on Google the answers as to what had actually transpired.
     I was introduced to the Country of Haiti by my friend and business associate Lou Gladstein. It was in 1964, when Lou made a deal with the Interior Minister of Haiti to purchase and remove the Haitian railroad, the railroad like everything else in Haiti had been bankrupted by the government and closed down for many years.
     In the agreement, Lou had to give the Minister of the interior two dollars a ton under the table, for Lou it was quite an accomplishment. (See the Haitian Railroad Story).
     My friend Lou, then called me in Miami and requested my assistance in helping him, to dispose of the rail, and by doing so, I ended up learning a lot about Haiti and the island which it shares with the country of the Dominican Republic.
      While I was dealing with the business of assisting Lou in disassembling and selling the railroad, I developed a kind of love for Haiti, and I became involved in several businesses there and then one grand adventure.
      Having to travel back and forth to Haiti because of the railroad project, the first thing that happened was that I started buying and exporting Haitian hand carved wood work. (See the Haiti Woodwork Story), and then, by accident, I became involved in importing primitive native Haitian paintings, I did this long before anyone even wanted one. (See the Haitian Paintings Story).  
      Now comes the grand adventure part of the story. In 1970, I had started to prospect in the interior of Haiti for gold and platinum. I had already set up a small laboratory in Miami that dealt in refining precious metals. However my prospecting in Haiti was really a ruse. It was a ploy we dreamed up to allow me to go into the interior of Haiti without creating any suspicion and search for a treasure that was stolen from Christopher Columbus in 1492.
      My friend Lou had introduced me to Doctor Marc Bulliet, who said he was Haiti’s chief archeologist. He was the one that had first gotten me interested in the hidden gold treasure. In the evenings, he had told us all about Christopher Columbus, how he discovered the island of Hispaniola and Marc had told us about Columbus’s first colony of La Navidad in Haiti. He also had a sample of a piece of gold, a native’s nose plug.  
      My having the refinery in Miami, as well as my natural interest in the gold of the early Spaniards and Christopher Columbus, prompted me to keep pushing Marc for more information. Until one day Marc told us that he had a map showing the treasure location. Mark said that due to Haiti being a small country everyone always knew what you were doing, so getting involved with any kind of gold treasure, would immediately get everyone’s attention, and could quite possibly get you killed. Especially if you actually found gold and someone that was well connected with the corrupt government wanted to get it from you.    
     It was all so intriguing that the idea of making believe we were prospectors would allow us to go into the interior of Haiti and not create any suspicion of what our real intentions were.
     Mark at the time was some kind of Haitian government employee and quite possibly a CIA asset in Haiti, so he wouldn’t go. My highly overweight friend Lou said that because I was young, I should go after the gold which was supposed to be in the Central Plateau area of Haiti. Well traveling into the interior of a primitive voodoo country by myself didn’t really appeal to me, but finding gold treasure did. So I invited a Miami friend named Paul Sherwood to join with me in the search. Paul had never been to Haiti or ever done anything unusual in his entire life so he thought treasure hunting would be great fun.
     Doctor Mark Bulliet was right, Haiti being a small country, made this kind of treasure hunt a very dangerous proposition, and while we all tried to do our best to keep the treasure hunt a secret, we found that there are no secrets ever kept in Haiti, and we began to suspect that some very undesirable people knew what we were doing, and we were scared that someone would try and kill us to get the gold. We also all knew Haiti was a black country, and we were white boys from Miami and thus we were considered unusual to the locals, because of that everyone had their eye on us, and we knew it. Everyone in the country was always watching us, we just didn’t know the extent of who was watching us, or their motivations.
     From my dealing with Lou Gladstein and the railroad project, I already knew that everyone in the government was corrupt, and there was no hope of utilizing anyone for any kind of protection as everyone had their hand out for something, and no one could be trusted. At the time, Haiti was run by a dictator named Papa Doc Duvalier and he had his own private army of thugs called the TonTon Macoute, they would have liked nothing better than to eliminate us if they found out that we had something like gold.
     Papa Doc, had been elected President in 1957, and then he ran the country as a dictatorship for 14 years. I knew from conversations with my Haitian friends, that most people living in the country were really afraid of him. They said he was involved in all kinds of bribery and extortion and had over the years killed about thirty thousand Haitian people. Some were supposedly killed in Voodoo rituals in the basement of the palace.  Papa Doc ran the country strictly by Voodoo law and only left the palace on the twenty second day of each month according to Voodoo practice. By the time I had arrived in Haiti, Papa Doc had survived six attempts to either kill him or remove him from office, however somehow he had survived them all. Don’t ask me how, but somehow I became involved with two plots to depose him.
     By the time I arrived in 1964, I knew that Papa Doc through his cronies or the TonTon Macoute controlled a lot of the business in the country, they were extracting so much money from them that they eventually bankrupted most them and that included the railroad, electric and telephone systems.
      By April of 1970, my good friend Paul Sherwood was no longer my good friend, we had just returned from our treasure hunt that had taken us into the interior of Haiti. The hunt, while being successful had also become very scary. We had attempted from the start to keep everything a secret. What had happened was that before we found the treasure, I was checking out Marc’s story, and I must have spoken to the wrong people.
Because of that, our discovery leaked out and that’s what led to this story of what happened to me and my experience with the Haitian Coast Guard in April of 1971.
     Because of the scary experience in the interior, my ex good friend Paul had decided to fly out of Haiti, and back to Miami. He didn’t even want his share of the treasure, I think he was scared and his nerves were shot. I myself, had nearly died from cyanide poisoning in the interior and I was still sick when all of the following happened.
     After Paul left Haiti, I returned to the Castle Haiti Hotel to try and recuperate. I was sitting by the pool still pretty sick from the cyanide poisoning. I had asked my driver Toni Richmond to spend the day resting with me just in case something happened.
     Tony Richmond who was my driver was also my friend, my translator and my assistant in Haiti, I thought that I could always count on him to tell me what was going on there,  he knew just about everyone and he always had his ear to the ground if something bad was going on. I think there was very little going on in Port Au Prince that Toni Richmond didn’t know about. We were just thinking about ordering lunch from a waiter, when a young uniformed Coast Guardsman came up to me and asked if I was Howard Yasgar. He was not only impeccably dressed in his uniform but he was acting very formal, standing there with his dress hat under his arm. He said that Colonel Octave Cayard the commander of the Coast Guard requests a meeting with you this afternoon sir. Can you be at the Coast Guard Station at exactly half past two? “Yes” I replied.
     The Coast guard fellow left and I turned to Toni and asked him who the hell was
Colonel Cayard, and what the hell does he want with me? I could see beads of sweat forming on Toni’s upper lip. He said, Colonel Cayard is the head of the Haitian Coast Guard and he is part of the inner circle of advisors to the president.
     I knew that the Haitian Coast Guard complex was located on the South Road in Port Au Prince, it was just a couple of miles down the road from my favorite restaurant, so I asked Toni if he would take me to the meeting with the  Colonel.  Toni said “No.”  It was the first time Toni ever had said no to me, so I asked him why? “He said I don’t want my car to be seen there.” That’s when it hit me that Toni possibly knew more than he was telling me. What could be the reason Toni didn’t want his car to be seen at the Coast Guard Station, I couldn’t imagine.
      Finally after a little prodding, Toni agreed to drop me off in a wooded area several hundred yards before the Coast Guard Station, and he said he would come back to pick me up there in about an hour.
      At exactly two PM, Toni dropped me off on the road where he said he would, and I walked to the Coast Guard station. The station was a big modern building with glass doors and marble tiled foyer with a lone secretary sitting at a desk at the far end.
       When I walked to her desk I could hear the echo of my steps. I told her who I was and that I had an appointment with the Colonel. She directed me to colonel Cayard’s office. His door was open and I walked in his office. The Colonel was behind his desk in full uniform with all his medals and ribbons on his uniform. He had gold braid everywhere. He stood and with his hand out, told me to take a chair and bring it up to his desk, he was all smiles, but I had a bad feeling.
     “How is your prospecting going” he asked me in perfect English? I told him that I had a lot of samples that I was taking back to Miami for testing. I was watching his facial expressions, and I wondered if he knew the real reason Paul and I gone into the interior?
     Did he know about the gold? I had an uneasy feeling because his facial expressions were just too friendly, like fake. Then the Colonel got right to the point. He said, “I have large land holdings in the Central Plateau area of Haiti. And there have been recent rumors that gold has been discovered there, gold that is on my property and belongs to me. Do you have any information regarding the removal of gold from my property? Obviously he knew something, so I tried to change the conversation. I said, that I would be happy to prospect his property the next time I returned to Haiti. I asked him exactly where his property was. He said, “My ranch is the Central Plateau of Haiti. Once he said that, I knew that he already knew we had found the gold, and I started getting concerned as to what he was going to do next, I knew that he wanted the gold we had discovered.
    The Colonel looked at me sternly and said, “I would like you to be my guest and go with my men to my property now, to look for the gold.” I certainly didn’t like the tone of his voice or the conversation. I said, Colonel Cayard, I am very interested in searching your property for treasure, but right now I am pretty sick from cyanide poisoning and I have to return to Miami as I need medical treatment. I promise that I will contact you on my next trip to Haiti, and I will search your property for gold.  I could see the Colonel didn’t like my answer, I had a real bad feeling about where the conversation was going and I knew the Colonel could arrest me if he wanted to, his men could easily torture me until I told them where the gold was. So I sat there, expecting him at any moment to call his men into the office. Now there was no question the Colonel knew something, I could feel it, and I was starting to get scared. But as the Colonel talked to me, I could tell he was distracted by something, he kept glancing at his telephone.
     I was expecting the worst, but all of a sudden the Colonel stood up, he reached over and shook my hand, I stood, said good bye and quickly left his office. I then walked out of the Coast Guard Building into the hot Haitian sunshine. I was glad to be alive, and I couldn’t help but wonder how the Colonel knew what we did, even Toni didn’t know we had found the gold. Perhaps the Colonel was just guessing and hoping that I would say something. I walked down the road to where I could see Toni’s car waiting for me.
     I told Toni that the Colonel wanted me to prospect his ranch. Toni said, “What ranch, the colonel doesn’t have any ranch”. He then drove me back to hotel Castle Haiti. The next day Friday, April 17, 1971, Toni took me to the airport and I flew home to Miami.        
     On Tuesday April 21, 1971, just four days after my meeting with Colonel Cayard, I picked up the Miami Herald, and the top news story was, Haitian Coast Guard Colonel Octave Cayard fires cannon on the presidential palace in an attempted coup in Haiti.
     The story said the following, Colonel Octave Cayard, Commander of the Haitian Coast Guard had taken the Haitian Coast Guard Vessel number C-10 out into the bay of Port Au Prince and then he fired three rounds, one of which hit the palace. His first shot went over the palace, killing a civilian women, His second shot hit a mausoleum, and they said everyone knew the third shot would be right on target, and it was, hitting the west wing of the palace. The Haitian army then fired back with a 105 MM howitzer, and the shell hit the water near the ship, then, minutes later a Haitian Air force plane made a pass at the ship strafing it with bullets.
      Colonel Cayard and the ship then quickly headed for open sea and towards the island of Puerto Rico, where the Colonel claimed political asylum. All of the crew members of the Coast Guard ship C-10, who were acting under Cayard’s orders requested to be returned to Haiti.
      What was unknown to the newspapers at the time was that while the ship and the Colonel were on the way to Puerto Rico, the Haitian Government had wired the United States requesting that it sink the ship.
      As I read this, I couldn’t believe all this was caused by Colonel Cayard. I was just sitting at his desk only four days earlier, how could this be possible? Did my friend Toni suspect that something was up with the Colonel and that’s why he didn’t want his car seen in front of the Coast Guard Station. Well it was years later, before all the information became public and I was to learn what really had happened.
    At the time, the president Papa Doc, had been very ill with heart problems, so several of his enemies thought it was a good time to take advantage of the situation and get rid of him. It also appears that several military generals were in on the plot, and some of them had spoken to Colonel Cayard, but the Colonel had not agreed to take part in the coup.  Then Papa Doc had gotten wind of the conspiracy, and had ordered all the generals to be arrested, as well as two Coast Guard officers that he thought were also involved.
     Because Colonel Cayard was a close friend of Papa Doc he was called in for a strategy meeting on the evening of April 20, 1970. At the meeting Colonel Cayard said nothing to Papa Doc about the possible conspiracy, but he knew that when the Coast Guard officers were eventually questioned his name would come up. So by April 21, Colonel Cayard realized that he would probably be arrested. So he thought that by firing on the capital, he could force “Papa Doc” to leave it, and everything would be resolved in somewhat peaceful manner.  So he actually called the palace thirty minutes ahead of time to warn them that he would be firing the ships cannon on them.
     I read where Colonel Cayard, applied for political asylum and now lives in Miami Florida. Knowing he was in ill health, on Feb of 1971 Papa Doc held a plebiscite and appointed his son Jean Claude Duvalier as his successor. Toni and I were there to see it and watch Papa Doc and Jean Claude come out on the palace balcony to the cheers of thousands of Haitian peasants, who had been trucked in for the occasion. Then on April 22, 1971 it was reported that “Papa Doc” had died, and his son Jean Claude took over the presidency and he and his wife continued plundering Haiti.
     It should be of interest that “Papa Doc” died on April 18 1971, however April 22, is an important day in the Voodoo religion, so he had his death  announced on April 22, not April 18.